After last year’s award-winning tour of Tits & Teeth, Thick & Tight present a brand new variety show Natural Behaviour, a collection of performed portraits of human and non-human life forms.
Natural Behaviour will explore queer ecology, exposing how the natural world is weaponised against marginalised people to create exclusionary binaries of ‘natural’ or ‘unnatural’ lives and behaviours.
Outrageous, beautiful, hilarious and profound, Natural Behaviour is a queer look at what it means to be natural or unnatural within ecology and society.
Thick & Tight’s distinctive mix of extraordinary dance, satire, impersonation, drag and writing will bring to life a tyrannical leopard, post-apocalyptic cockroaches, two moths in moonlight, a lamenting songbird and a lesbian seagull… and that’s just for starters!
Susan Sonntag famously wrote: “Nothing in nature can be campy” – we beg to differ!
Details here: